Hello and Welcome!

I am an enthusiastic data scientist and a statistician, with passion for Machine Learning and data modeling. I much enjoy creating efficient, easy-to-use solutions for challenging problems.

As I’m doing different data science projects using Python, web scraping, APIs, AWS, Git, GitHub, and all the other tons of cool stuff, I will be updating this webpage with links to my projects, posts, etc. in hopes you will make use of it and help you on your journey.
Also, because I think it will be beneficial to have a quick reference.
You can message me at My LinkedIn profile

Projects and Repositories

Predictive Models Projects

A Web Scraping Project

A Regression Model Project Using Log Transoformation and Ridge Regularization

NLP Classification - Using Reddit API to Collect Posts

Interactive Function to collect Live Road and Traffic Status from Tweets

Recommener Engine for Perfumes. Data collected in May, 2019

Perfume Analysis: Saleability Based on Perfume Characteristics

Python Problems, Solved

Articles and Publications

Spark for Data Scientists - Cookbook

Personal Notes on Terminal How To’s and Related Topics

Summaries and notes: Life-changing books I read, advice, and wisdom

Recommendation Engine for Perfumes

Live Traffic Updates, and Road Conditions: Interactive, Easy to Use, Function

Saving a list of html pages to a text file with Python and BeautifulSoup

Natural Language Processing classification, and API

Model Selection in Python for Regression Analysis

Encoding Categorical Variables in Python

Which Data Science Bootcamp to Sign Up For?

Bayesian Projects
