
grabbing live traffic and road conditions from live tweets, returns the most recent ones.

The file is the process of collecting tweets of traffic and road conditions during hurricane Harvey in Houston, recent traffic updates from Houston, and non-traffic recent; to use them to train models later on to separate between traffic and non-traffic tweets, to return only the traffic tweets to viewer’s eyes. The Harvey tweets were collected to have a historic analysis to see which roads were blocked, flooded, congested, etc? Which areas were mostly affected? How can authorities better prepare for such natural disasters? e.g. where to locate emergency centers, high ground shelters? How to route people to evacuate? Which areas need more attention, etc.
Then file continues to how to make the data frames of the tweets desired.

the-function.ipynb is the functions to gather live tweets from Twitter users who post about traffic updates and road conditions, all user gotta do is enter the city name, state; then what road they want to know status of.
These tweets are gathered live everytime the function is ran.
The cities for now are only the most flooded ones in the US, the idea is to extend it to all cities in the US later on.